Monday, 19 November 2012

HCC refuse to attend public meeting

News just in that the Hampshire County Council Highways Team have declined to attend a public meeting to discuss the Tufton Intersection with locals:

Dear Mr Stead,
Thank you for your message and your invitation to attend a public meeting.
I am afraid officers from Hampshire County Council will not be attending the meeting. I would be happy to provide a short statement in response to any relevant agenda items, or matters you have raised with the County Council recently, should the meeting go ahead. Please let me know if that would be helpful.

Team Leader - Traffic Management (North) 

A response has been sent back, CC'ing in our HCC councillor Tom Thacker, HCC executive member for transport Mel Kendal,  and HCC leader Ken Thornber, asking for HCC to re-consider attending the meeting.

We shall see if HCC can make the time to attend.

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